臺灣(⾃治)政府告世界各國書 To All the Nations of the World

臺灣(⾃治)政府告世界各國書 To All the Nations of the World
【Taiwan (Autonomy) Government】
The Secretary-General of the United Nations
Room S-0201, United Nations
New York, NY 10017
TEL: (212)-963-7171 or 7172
台灣自治政府 官網 twgov.tw
February 28, 2024
Dear Secretary-General, UN & Membership Ambassadors,
這是台灣⾃治政府代表台灣⺠族的住⺠,第八次來函請求聯合國與貴會員國,務必根據聯合國憲章第73條,釐清台灣懸案究竟忽視了誰的天賦⼈權權利將近80年?誰忽視了她的責任?⼆戰時期的四個同盟國、聯合國及其各會員國,應該如何幫助哀嚎中的本⼟台灣⼈,解除中華台北 (ROC; Chinese Taipei)的中國⼈對台灣⼈的殖⺠體制,讓本⼟台灣⼈,永遠脫離中國⼈的政治煉獄。
Taiwanese Taiwan Government represents all of the native Taiwan people to write this eighth letter to request that the Article 73 of the United Nations should be strictly executed by the Allied Nations, i.e., the US, the UK, the Russia, the PRC (Beijing); the United Nations and her membership countries. Please kindly consider that Taiwan inhabitants do not have nationality for almost 80 years. The unalienable natural rights of Taiwan inhabitants are still ignored by four Allied Nations and the United Nations. Moreover, Taiwan inhabitants are still living in ROC exiled government, i.e. Chinese Taipei, political purgatory. Who should be blamed? Can your respectable government to do something for the crying Taiwanese inhabitants? May we ask for your salvation and emancipation?
根據1952年4⽉28⽇⽣效的、48個國家簽訂的舊⾦⼭和約第23條,美國是台灣的主要占領權國家。但是,從1945年到2024年,超過四分之三世紀,美國嚴重違反戰爭法,錯誤地允許中國的蔣介⽯軍隊和流亡難⺠集團,占領台灣和避難;容許蔣介⽯集團,嚴重違反戰爭法⽇內瓦公約的規範,對台灣恣意種族屠殺、政治控制、 經濟剝削、教育洗腦、社會歧視;又容許假中華民國偽造文書,詐騙台灣住民,參加假中華民國總統選舉,落入輪流執政輪流貪污的陷阱。以⾄於美麗的福爾摩沙樂園,陷入魔⿁醜陋、髒亂、⿊暗的⼈間地獄。百孔千瘡的台灣,可能沒有光明的未來了!
On April 28, 1952, San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT) signed by 48 countries and came into effective. The Article 23 explicates that the United States is the principal occupying power of Formosa and the Pescadores. But, during 1945 and 2024, the US committed a serious mistake to permit Chinese Chiang Kai-shek soldiers and refugees in exile came and stayed in Taiwan to act arbitrarily violated the Laws of War to turn down the old Japanese laws, genocide, political control, economic exploitation, education brainwashing and social discrimination all over the island for more than 75 years. Moreover, the ROC, i.e., Chinese Taipei, uttered a forged instrument to conduct her Presidential Election to entrap the dull Taiwan people to support for those corrupted politicians repeatedly taking turn to rule and exploit Taiwan inhabitants. The US dereliction of her duty makes Taiwan people keep playing election games to fall into an extreme living hell, sees no promising future since then.
The universal value, i.e., the innate right of man, entitles Taiwan Government the rights to request 4 Allied Powers, the Secretariat of the United Nations and all her membership countries to explain why Taiwan is now urgently need to decolonization from Chinese illegal constitutional system.
⾸先,台灣懸案讓台灣海峽兩個中國,不斷製造對台灣住⺠的威脅和戰爭的台灣危機。請各國⽀持美國根據美國台灣關係法,執⾏⼀中政策,解除中華⺠國在台灣的殖⺠體制。台灣的國際地位並不包含在聯合國託管制度的範圍;所以中華⺠國無權入主台灣。那是美國縱容中國流亡難⺠武裝部隊侵略台灣!舊⾦⼭和約第3條規定,琉球適⽤聯合國託管制度只由美國管轄。79年來,台灣則是以美國為主要占領權國家,美國竟然違反戰爭法,容許中華台北 (Chinese Taipei) 蔣匪軍隊侵入台灣,屠殺包含⾼砂族在內的百萬無辜台灣住⺠;容許中華台北 (Chinese Taipei) 長達數⼗年的戒嚴令、司法亂判、洗腦教育,讓本⼟台灣⼈錯以為自己是中國⼈。美國雖然知道本⼟台灣⼈⼀直處於被中華台北 (ROC Taipei )的中國⼈奴役之中,還怪罪本⼟台灣⼈都不知覺醒,⾄今仍然沒有下決⼼負起解決台灣懸案的國際法責任。
Firstly, Taiwan Question induces endless Taiwan crisis through China threats by two Chinas, ROC (Chinese Taipei) and PRC (Beijing), on both sides of Taiwan Strait. Would you please support One China Policy executed by the United States according to Taiwan Relations Act. Taiwan’s international status is indeed not within the United Nations’ trusteeship system. Therefore the Chinese Taipei has never been authorized to rule Taiwan. It was the United States took in Chinese exiled group from China to invade Taiwan. The Article 3 of SFPT only stipulates that the Ryukyu Islands will be handed over to the trusteeship system of the United Nations, and the United States is the sole administrative authority. In the past 79 years, the United States has violated the Laws of War and allowed Chiang Kai-Shek bandit armed forces (Chinese Taipei) to massacre more than million Taiwan people, Takasago Aborigines included. Exiled group also imposed martial law for 38year, miscarriage of justice, and brainwashed the Taiwanese people to miss-conceptualize that Taiwanese is Chinese. The United States has still violated its constitution as the principal occupying power of Taiwan, not followed the international law, and did not decisively resolve Taiwan Question, by saying that Taiwan has been enslaved by ROC Taipei to this day because of it is “Taiwanese people don’t try their best to awake from being brainwashed.”
Secondly, some CSIS researchers, for example, said in the end of 2023 the international stability has comparative advantages other than that of the sovereignty and democratization of Taiwan. The appeasement ignored not only the human rights are inalienable to Taiwan people, but also cut the root of Taiwan international status, normalization problem, not to expel Chinese Taipei away from Taiwan. To follow the laws will resolve all the troubles of international stability that ROC (Chinese Taipei) caused. The serious Taiwan Question can be peacefully resolved immediately, Taiwan will soon return to international community with its lawful status. And, the international turmoil will return to structural balance status.
第三,台灣危機很可能擦槍走火引爆台海戰爭。恰如彭博社(Bloomberg) 在 2024年1⽉10⽇估計,台海戰爭⼀旦發⽣,全球100兆美元的國內⽣產⽑額 (GDP) 將可能損失⼗兆美元之多。如果形成第三次世界⼤戰,有些國家將可能被夷為平地,⽣靈塗炭。
Third, Taiwan crisis may spark the World War III. 「If the war happened in Taiwan Strait, the global GDP may have annual lost to 10 trillion US dollars. 」according to the Bloomberg Economist on Jan 10th,2024. Supposedly, some countries may be razed to the ground and countless people be plunged into an abyss of misery.
第四,根據1941⼤⻄洋憲章⺠族⾃決原則,和1945聯合國憲章第73條規定,和聯合國⼈權兩公約,即1976年3⽉23⽇⽣效之《公⺠與政治權利國際公約》及1991 年7⽉11⽇⽣效之《經濟社會⽂化權利國際公約》,將1948年12⽉10⽇於聯合國⼤會通過⽣效之《世界⼈權宣⾔》之內容,例如第15條條約化;是最具綱領性與核⼼地位的兩個國際⼈權公約。我們是具有五萬年歷史的本⼟台灣⺠族的住⺠,絕對不是來⾃中國的中國⼈,只是被洗腦教育漢化⽽已。我們拒絕認同中國,堅持要認同台灣,⼀定要根據上帝所賦予的天賦⼈權,取得台灣國籍。當然,我們將不擇⼿段,拒絕聯合國接受中國建議所辦理的、由各會員國投票表決的⽅式,決定台灣⺠族住⺠的國籍。
Fourth, all the people has been entitled to build up a state by self-determination according to the Atlantic Charter (1941) , the UN Charter (1945), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1976; ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1991; ICESCR). Those two Covenants accepted the idea that <everyone has the right to a nationality and no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality> in the <Universal Declaration of Human Rights> in 1948 regulated by the UN General Assembly. We are all the Taiwan native inhabitants have been lived in Formosa and the Pescadores for 50 thousand years. We are not Chinese, but have been brutally forced to change our own identity as Chinese rather than Taiwanese since 1683 by reading Chinese brainwashed books. We absolutely reject to accept Chinese nationality and persistently to hold our own recognition as Taiwanese as well as Taiwan is our nation. We want our own Taiwan nationality back according to the unalienable natural rights and gift from the God we trust. Of course, by any means, we will never accept the United Nations has any rights to change our nationality with voting system recommended by the PRC in Beijing.
最後,臺灣⾃治政府懇請各國遵循聯合國憲章和國際法理及慣例,⽽不是無⼈簽字的「開羅宣⾔」,處理台灣懸案,以護持台灣本⼟住⺠⼈權及國家利益。否則,上帝將會繼續降下天災和⼈禍,以譴責未盡國際法責任的中國、美國、及聯合國48個SFPT簽署國,竟讓台灣住⺠⽣活在中國⼈的政治煉獄裡將近80 年。台灣⾃治政府也要誠摯地懇請 貴國對台灣伸出援⼿,幫助勤奮誠實的台灣⺠族住⺠,驅逐中華台北 (ROC Taipei),建立⼀個新⽽獨立⾃主的主權邦國。請 貴國歡迎台灣加入聯合國,讓 貴、我兩國,包括中國在內,得以建立外交關係,促進貿易,增進邦誼,共享⺠主發展與經濟繁榮的成果。⾄為感謝!
The last, those who violated the laws should be condemned by heaven. We, to ensure the human rights, and national interests of Taiwan, the native Taiwan people follows the UN CHARTER and International Laws, not the 「Cairo Bulletin」 which has not even a participant to sign. Taiwan has been trapped into the ignorance of SFPT singed nations for almost 80 years. Chinese Taipei is so happy to see this continuing in contrast as an inferno. As we all stand at the turning point of humans history, Taiwan Autonomy Government will also ask your government please give us a hand to help the honest, diligent Taiwan people to expel illegal Chinese Taipei out from Taiwan. We need your helps to build up a normalized state and join the family of UN. We sincerely wish to establish a diplomatic relationship in between to promote international trade and democratic progression to raise the welfare level of all, includes China.
Minister, the Ministry of International Affairs
Headquarters of Taiwan Autonomy Government
#13-1, Song-Po Lane, Sang-Fong Village, Ershui,
Chang-Hua County, Taiwan 53044 886-4-8797783/886-0906-996-679
The elected Provisional President, Taiwan Autonomy Government
Headquarters of Taiwan Autonomy Government
#13-1, Song-Po Lane, Sang-Fong Village, Ershui,
Chang-Hua County, Taiwan 53044 886-4-8797783/886-936-141-897
The United Nations and the
Secretariat roon
s-0201,United Nations NewYork,NY 10017
TEL(212)-963-7171 or 7172
他にある人たち、CSIS(Center forStrategy&InternationalStudies)戦略と国際研究中心の研究者たち、2023年の年末の研究報告では、台湾解植や民主改革のことよりも、国際安定の方が優先的に処理と間違った考慮であった、国際の動揺不安を避けるために、国際安定を重要に考慮するのが大事だが、従って台湾での解植や一中執行では、後にされても構わないということは姑息の論調であった。
第三、台湾の危機は意識しない内でも、無意識な衝突でも戦争の勃発可能性もある、台湾海峡で戦争が発生したら彭博士(Bloombery)は2024.1.10時点で、想定のような台湾海峡で、一旦戦争が発生、全世界で100兆米ドルの生産GDP が10兆米ドルが損失になる見通しです、もし第三次世界大戦になったら、ある国家が焼けの原になる 違いない、かなり苦しい暮らしに陥った違いない、平和を愛好の台湾人には遣り切れない。
第四、1941年大西洋憲章,民族自決原則と1945年国連憲章第73条規定、及び国連の人権両公約、即ち1976年3月23日発効の及び1991年7月11日に発効した、1948 年12月10日に国連大会で可決された《世界人権宣言》の内容。
例:第15条 条約化最も綱領性と核心地位に属されている国際人権公約である。
台湾(自治)政府 総理
蔡 吉源拝